8 months…

Angel Eduardo Lozano Niño
1 min readJun 4, 2021

So eight months ago, i decided to enter a program to learn data science, it has been a great experience, so, what brought me here.

Many years ago, i deserted from a computer science program, then drisfted to Induistrial design, where i had great ideas so-so grades, i made my thesis alone, designed and build a thermoplastic bending machine, interesting stuff, but, i can’t draw, big no no in that career, many years later after beign a professor, working in the tile industry and beign burned out, I entered a master degree, best decision ever, i found out a new love for studying, and finance, it became second nature, after finishing last year the degree, i started itching fir the next thing to learn, and the school where the master degree was offered send me an offer for the data science program.

Eight months later, after having dificulties with databases, never used one the real way, always just improvising, rekindeling my love for programming, and now seeing the world through the eyes of a designer, finance and data scientist, is very interesting.

So this is just a little part of my history, new projects, and new ideas coming everyday.

Have a great week.

